This article is designed to help you understand the role and permissions of a "Viewer" in your workspace. A Viewer is a free user role with specific access rights and limitations within the workspace. Understanding these permissions will assist you in effectively managing your workspace, sharing your videos, and ensuring a smooth collaboration process among team members.
Viewer Role Permissions
Viewers have the following permissions in your workspace:
1. View and Share Videos
Viewers can see and share all videos from the team library, allowing them to collaborate and contribute ideas without directly editing content. They can share these videos with others, promoting collaboration across your team.
2. Download Videos
Viewers have the ability to download all videos they're given permission. This feature allows them to keep local copies of videos for offline viewing or reference.
3. Bookmark Videos
While they can't edit or move videos, Viewers can bookmark videos by 'starring' them. This feature lets them quickly find and reference their favorite videos in the future.
4. View Team Archive
Viewers can view the team archive but do not have access to the videos within the team archive, nor do they have their own personal archive or library.
Viewer Role Limitations
While Viewers have a number of permissions that allow for effective collaboration, there are some things they cannot do:
1. Edit or Move Videos
Viewers cannot edit or move any videos. This limitation helps maintain the integrity of the content and ensures that only authorized users can modify the videos.
2. Create or Upload Videos
As Viewers, they cannot create or upload videos to the workspace. This limitation maintains a controlled environment where only certain team members can contribute new content. Users would need to be given editor permissions or become part of a new workspace in which they are an editor.
3. Edit Workspace
Viewers do not have permission to edit the workspace. Only Administrators have the ability to modify workspace settings and structure. For more information about workspace administration, refer to our admin help desk article.
It's important to note that Viewers are free users within your workspace, so you can add as many as you need without incurring extra costs.
Understanding these permissions and limitations will help you allocate the right roles to your team members to maintain an efficient and collaborative workspace. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.
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